Question 4

9 marks
Content - 2 marks
Application - 2 marks
Analysis - 2 marks
Evaluation - 3 marks
1 mark - Explaination of what SWOT analysis is or one advantage / disadvantage of SWOT analysis
2 marks - Explaination of what SWOT analysis is and one advantage / disadvantage or two advantages / disadvantages
1 mark - Limited application to case
2 marks - Good application
1 mark - Limited analysis
2 marks - Good analysis
1 mark - Limited evaluation
2 marks - Good evauluation

Possible answers
SWOT analysis is a way of looking how external factors influence the business
By identifying his strengths Pete can exploit them and use them as a USP to advertise to clients
Doing a SWOT analysis takes time which Pete could use for other matters
A SWOT analysis could benefit Pete in looking at future strategies

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