About Us

What is RevisionWorld.com?

RevisionWorld.com was launched in 2007 with the aim of providing a fun and free revision resource for GCSE and A-Levels.

RevisionWorld.com has been designed to provide you with the foundations of knowledge needed to pass each subject. Whilst not aligning itself with a particular exam board or syllabus RevisionWorld.com aims to cover the key aspects of each subject.

The Revision World Network purchased mathsrevision.net in 2010 and rebranded the site as RevisionMaths.com to co-inside with the launch of RevisionScience.com and RevisionVideos.com in 2015.

Who works for RevisionWorld.com?

RevisionWorld.com is owned and operated by Revision World Networks Limited. Revision World Networks is a privately owned company set up by teachers which specialises in revision resources to allow all students to excel in their GCSE and A-Level exams. Revision World Networks Ltd’s registered office is 3 Fairview Court, Fairview Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 2EX. Company Registration number 03767837..

We have a range of dedicated staff members who are here to provide RevisionWorld.com users with anything they need whether it is help or support, questions or comments.

Our education materials are written by our team of freelance teachers who provide their services to ensure our materials are of the highest standard.

Of course materials can always be improved so if you have any great ideas of improvement feel free to Email now

I’m a teacher how can I help out?

For more information about how teachers can get involved with Revision World please email contact@revisionworld.com 

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For all enquires of any nature please contact us.

What are Revision World's Terms and Conditions?

To view our T&C's click here

What is Revision World's Privacy Policy?

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