Question 9

Ralph is changed as a result of his experiences on the island. How does Golding show this change? Consider: Ralph’s attitude and actions, Ralph at the beginning, how Golding shows change

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the character of Ralph and how he is changes as a result of the island.

The examiner wants you to consider how he behaves and what this tells you about his character


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore how Ralph changes in the novel and how Golding shows this change.

2 – Ralph’s attitudes and actions

What is Ralph like?

What are Ralph’s characteristics?

How does Ralph behave?

You should look at language here and consider what Ralph says and how he communicates with others, remember to use quotations throughout.

3 - Ralph at the beginning

What is Ralph like at the beginning at the novel?

Consider Ralph’s situation and how he behaves around others.

Once again consider his words and actions and what they tell us about his character.

4 – Ralph’s change

How does Ralph change?

What forces this change?

How does Golding show this change?

Select specific examples from the novel which show this change and how Golding creates change.

5 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion sum up your analysis of this change and explain how Golding shows this change.


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