Cold Knap Lake

We once watched a crowd

pull a drowned child from the lake.

Blue-lipped and dressed in water's long green silk

she lay for dead.

Then kneeling on the earth

, a heroine, her red head bowed,

her wartime cotton frock soaked,

my mother gave a stranger's child her breath.

The crowd stood silent,

drawn by the dread of it.

The child breathed, bleating

and rosy in my mother's hands.

My father took her home to a poor house

and watched her thrashed for almost drowning.

Was I there?

Or is that troubled surface something else

shadowy under the dipped fingers of willows

where satiny mud blooms in cloudiness

after the treading, heavy webs of swan

s as their wings beat and whistle on the air?

All lost things lie under closing water

in that lake with the poor man's daughter.

To listen to the poem click here

The poem is a true story, or "as true as I and my memory can make it". (Clarke was a young girl when the main event happened, perhaps the same age as the child in the poem.) It is about a girl who nearly drowned in a lake and was given the kiss of life by Clarke's mother. When the child was taken back to her 'poor house', she was 'thrashed for almost drowning'.

This frightening memory leads the poet to question the ability of our memories to retell the truth - she wonders about other influences that could cloud the precision of our memories.

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