
Loftus and Palmer’s study tells us that our memory can be distorted after the event by the wording of questions. For example using an emotive verb like crashed led participants to believe that they had seen glass.

Gardner’s study tells us about the origins of language. A chimpanzee was able to pick up basic language using operant conditioning. This supports the view that language is learnt rather than innate. It also tells us that a non-human species can pick up basic language

Baron and Cohen’s study tells us about a theory of mind. Autistic children were significantly less able to correctly answer the false belief question than downs syndrome children. This tells us that a theory of mind is unrelated to intelligence and is something associated with autism

Deregowski showed us that perception of depth cues is dependent on education. It is learnt rather than innate. This was demonstrated by Deregowski’s reports that Africans did not understand western depth cues.

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