
Bandura: Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive role models.

Bandura’s research shows us that children copy aggression even when the aggressive role model is no longer present.

It also tells us that children are more likely to imitate same sex models.

Hodges and Tizard: Institutional care

This study tells us that being brought up in an institution at a critical age will affect children’s social and family relationships. E.g. Children who were adopted after living in an institution at a critical age had less friends at school.

Freud: Analysis of a phobia

Freud’s study told us that Little Hans was in the oedipus stage of development.

He wished his father dead and felt sexually attracted to his mother.

Samuel and Bryant. Asking 1 question in the conservation experiment

Samuel and Bryant’s study tells us that children are able to conserve at a younger age than Piaget previously estimated.

The study also showed us that older children are better at conservation than younger children.

Samuel and Bryant discovered that children were confused by being asked the same question twice.

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