
Split into Point / Example / Concluding comment

Advantage 1

P – Developmental Psychology shows us how early events can affect us later in life

E –Hodges and Tizard’s research shows us that being reared in an institution leads to family and social problems

C- Developmental research findings are very useful and can help with issues/problems in childhood.

Advantage 2

P – Research often uses the longitudinal method which traces the same person through life

E- Freud used one child and showed a child move through the psycho-sexual stages of development

C- Studying the same person rather than comparing people at different ages is less liable to differences being as a result of factors other than age

Disadvantage 1

P- Ethical concerns with the use of children and being able to follow guidelines

E - Samuel and Bryant used children who may have been too young to understand their rights. (informed consent/right to withraw)

C - Being ethical ensures protection of Participants.

Disadvantage 2

P - Subjecting children to some experimental conditions may actually affect development

E- Children may have learnt to become aggressive in Bandura’s study

C – Research shouldn’t change people’s behaviour. Unethical.

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