Key Terms

Here is a list of the key terms with which you should be familiar when studying Mary Shelley's Frankenstein:

EpistolaryWritten in the form of a series of letters.
NarrativeThe person, as distinct from the author, who is telling the story
First person narrativePresent themselves as an ‘I’ who is involved in or witness to the events described.

A contrast or opposition.

‘I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel.’

OxymoronA combination of contradictory words.

Embedded narrative


A story enclosed within a frame narrative, a tale within a tale. The creature’s narrative is an embedded narrative. Victor’s narrative frames that of the monster. Victor’s narrative is embedded within the frame narrative of Walton.
ParadoxAn apparently contradictory statement which is nevertheless somehow meaningful.
ProtagonistThe leading character in a story.
Confessional novelAppearing to deal with intimate experiences of the narrator’s life.
AmbiguityWhen something can be interpreted in more than one way, often used to suggest uncertainty in meaning.
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