Question 10

Explore how Golding presents Piggy’s feelings by what he says and how he says it in ‘Lord of the Flies’



  • Describe Piggy briefly.
  • Then explain some aspects of his character.
  • Intelligent – finds the conch. Knows what is going on (war) It is his idea to make a list of who is on the island.
  • We feel sympathy for him – explain why.
  • (Kind to the littleuns)
  • He is not as well educated as Ralph – find a quotation to show this. This could also suggest that he is not from the right class of people to be a successful leader.


  • Describe Ralph – strong, fit
  • Still childlike – find a quotation.
  • Bossy and cruel to Piggy.
  • Natural leader.
  • Seems to think that being on the island is just a big adventure.


  • Describe Jack
  • Then explain some aspects of his character.
  • Authoritarian (very bossy)
  • Cruel
  • Bloodthirsty

William Golding

  • Include some ideas about William Golding
  • In World War II, Golding joined the Navy. His experiences in the war had a considerable effect on him.
  • He saw that the war brought out people’s ability to harm others. He saw all human nature as savage. People were not either ‘good’ or ‘bad’, they were a mixture of both and even ‘goodies’ could become ‘baddies’.
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