Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the relationship between Atticus and Scout and how Harper Lee uses Atticus to present the morals of the novel.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to argue either for or against this statement, i.e In this essay I am going to explore the fact that Atticus’ role in the novel is more important than Scout’s because………..

2 – Relationships

What is the relationship between Atticus and Scout like? Look at their differences e.g. Scout tells the story with her child like eyes, whilst Atticus is a constant reminder of the morals of the novel as he educates his children.

3 - Atticus

Select a few examples of when Atticus is important in the novel – the trial, educating Scout and Jem. Why are these important? How do they show the views of Harper Lee?

4 – Scout Select a few examples of when Scout telling the story is important – Why are these important? How do these show the view of a child?

5 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion do you or do you not agree with the statement? To what extent do you or do you not agree? Maybe end with a quotation.

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