Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the role of the females characters in society and in the novel.

You may pick a variety or simply two or three character.

You have a great choice you may select Scout as the only female who refelcts the society, you may completely disregard her.

You may discuss the role of Mayella Ewell and her negative view of society.

You could also use CAL, Aunt Alexandra and mrs Dubose.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore how female characters tell us about Maycomb society.

2 – Females

Select the females you which to use – why these characters?

What are their roles in the novel?

Why are they important?

3 - Females in Maycomb

 What do these women tell us about society?

Why is there point of view important?

How do these characters link to society and the themes in the novel?

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion

What do we learn?

How doe we learn?

What do women tell us about society?


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