Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the relationship between Atticus and Scout and how Harper Lee uses Atticus to present the morals of the novel.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore how the character of Jem develops throughout the play and why his development is important.

2 – Jem at the beginning

It is best to look at Jem in two stage before the trial and after the trial.

This is where we see the real change in Jem.

Think about Jem at the beginning in his childhood innocence and childlike ways.

3 - Jem at and after the trial

Consider how Jem changes during and after the trial.

What are these changes?

Use quotations to support.

How does these changes contrast with Jem’s former character?

What do these changes represent?

You will have to analyse both sections in detail offering quotations to support your points throughout.

5 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion use your analysis to sum up how Jem does change and why this change is important.


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