
The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the relationship between Atticus and Scout and how Harper Lee uses Atticus to present the morals of the novel.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore how Harper Lee uses the novel to show prejudice. You are going to consider who is prejudice why they are prejudice and the effect of this prejudice on the novel.

2 – Who is prejudice?

Who is prejudice in the novel?

 When do we see this prejudice?

Think about the courtroom, consider Atticus compared to other members of society.

Use quotations to support your points.

3 - Why are they prejudice?

Consider the characters who are prejudice, why are they prejudice?

Is it simply because they do not know any better, or is it because they are bad people.

Consider people such as The Ewells, Tom Robinson and the children.

4 – Society

What do these prejudice attitudes tell us about society?

Is this a welcoming society, is it enclosed, is it racist?

5 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion sum up your analysis to say how Harper Lee shows prejudice.


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