Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the novel and that you are able to select specific events in the novel and explain their importance to the novel as a whole.

This question requires you to select a moment and analysis it and consider why it is significant.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore significant moments in the novel and justify why they are important.

2 – Your Significant Moment

 You need to select what you consider to be a significant moment.

Consider what happens in this moment to make it significant.

Consider the language used and the events in this moment which ultimately make the moment significant.

This is the main body of your essay and requires a close reading of your selected scene with plenty of quotations to support your points.

3 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion sum up your significant moment and explain why it is significant.

Possibly end with a quotation.


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