Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the death of Lennie and how Steinbeck prepares for this death.

You MUST use quotations throughout to support each of your points.

Give as many examples as possible to support everything you say.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore the events which lead up to Lennie’s death and how Steinbeck prepares us for his death.

2 – The events

Consider the events before Lennie’s death, how do they prepare us for his death?

Consider Lennie’s actions, words and the way he behaves, E.g. Lennie is described at the beginning of a the novel petting a dead rabbit.

3 - Lennie’s death

 What happens to Lennie?

How does Steinbeck prepare us?

Think about the way George speaks to Lennie and how he prepares him for his own death.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion how does Steinbeck prepare us?

Why does he preapre us in this way?


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