Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the idea conveyed in the phrase, they then want you to apply this idea to whole novel.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore how Steinbeck uses the idea of being scared of each other throughout the novel.

2 – Scared/Fear

Select relevant examples of when characters fear or are scared of each other throughout the novel.

Use relevant quotations to support your points.

3 - The idea

Using the previous section consider how Steinbeck uses the idea throughout the novel, give examples of when he uses this example and how he uses this example e.g. Lennie fears many things and eventually George fears Lennie, and as a result kills Lennie – ultimately everybody fears everybody.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion using your analysis sum up how Steinbeck uses the idea throughout the novel.


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