Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the theme of nature in the novel.

They want you to show your understanding by selecting relevant scenes and commenting on them.

You may also wish to make links between nature and the novel’s characters.

You will have to select specific scenes which describe nature and link them to the characters or action in the novel in order to explain why the description is used.

A good starting point is the opening of the novel.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore the description of nature in the novel and the role in which nature plays in the novel.

2 – Nature

You should select two or three scenes which describe nature in detail.

Look at each scene in depth and explain why they are described in this way at this point.

Select relevant examples to support your explanation and ensure you link the description to the action of the novel.

3 – Your opinion

You must explain why you think nature is present in the novel.

Answer the question what role does nature play?

Use relevant quotations to explain.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion use your analysis to explain the role of nature.


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