Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the character of Crooks and how he is treated by others.

Remember the question is: How is Crooks used to show ranch life? NOT how is Crooks treated?

Ensure you cover all bullet points BUT refer back to the question throughout.


1 – Introduction What are you going to do? You are going to explore how ranch life is shown using Crooks.

2 – Crooks as a black person

How does Steinbeck use Crook’s race to show ranch life.

Does his position equate to his race and the way in which black people where treated at the time.

3 - Prejudice

In considering Crook’s race you must consider the prejudice he receives from others.

You should select relevant examples which show how Crook’s is treated by others.

4 – Crook’s disability

Consider how Crook’s disability and treatment by others also reflect ranch life.

Again you need to use relevant examples.

5 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion to sum up Crook’s situation and explain how and why he is used to show ranch life.


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