Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the theme of hopes and dreams in the novel.

They also want you to be able to analyse these hopes and dreams and explain why they are important.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to explore the hopes and dreams of the characters in the novel and why these hopes and dreams are so important.

2 – Hopes and Dreams

 What are the hopes and dreams of the characters?

Who has hopes and dreams?

What types of hopes and dreams do they have?

Have their hopes and dreams changed?

Have their dreams come true?

Why are these hopes and dreams so important?

You need to consider all of these questions and discuss them in detail using relevant examples from the text.

3 - Your Opinion

Using relevant quotations and examples from the text you are going to have to explain why you think the hopes and dreams of the characters are so important.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion sum up what your understanding of hopes and dreams in the novel is and explain why you think hey are important in the novel.


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