Essay Plan

The examiner is looking for you to show that you understand the character of Curley’s wife and also that you understand the idea of sympathy.

You must look at specific scenes and analyse the character in detail to decide whether or not you sympathise or despise her.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do? You are going to consider the role of Curley’s wife and whether or not you feel sorry for the character.

2 – Curley’s Wife

What is Curley’s wife like?

How does she behave?

Consider her interactions with others. 

Explore the words she uses and her actions – you should use specific events and relevant quotations to support your point.

3 - Sympathy

You must decide whether or not you sympathise with Curley’s wife – if you do why? If you don’t why not?

Ensure you use relevant examples which support your opinion.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion do you sympathise or despise Curley’s wife or do you feel something completely different.

Make sure you support all comments with quotations.


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