
There are 2 potential sides to the writer’s feelings. Firstly offering praise on line 41 that ‘even an ogre’ has ‘a tiny glow-worm’ of ‘tenderness’. The image of an ogre describes both the vultures and the commandant, they are cold and have ‘icy caverns’ for a ‘cruel heart’ making them seem that their hearts are vast and mainly full of coldness and evil, but at least they have a tiny ‘glow worm’ of goodness. The obvious link here is that glow worms are very small and shine like tiny lights in a vast dark cave, which is like the blackness of the hearts of the vultures and the commandant.

The second side is to despair because the evil person thinks himself not completely evil if they can have love for their follow man. So in the ‘kindred love’ there is the ‘perpetuity of evil’ – it is as if we can say we are not that bad as we love someone even though we are doing something terrible.

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