
The examiner is looking for detailed and specific analysis and comparison of the two stories.

They want you to use specific references to show you understand the differences and similarities between the two stories.

REMEMBER to focus on the opening.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do?

You are going to explore the opening of Snowdrops and one other story, you are going to look at how these openings prepare you for the events in the story.

2 – Openings

Focus on the openings of the stories and how the reader is prepared.

Consider language and actions, what is the significance of these actions?

How are the openings the same or different.

Remember to compare in detail and use relevant quotations from both texts.

3 - Events

You must now link the opening section to the events section and explore how the opening prepares you for the events.

Consider the tone, the presentation of characters, point of view, relationships.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion to what extent does the writer prepare you?

How does the writer prepare you?

Sum up your analysis and refer back to the questions.


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