
The examiner is looking for detailed and specific analysis and comparison of the two stories.

They want you to use specific references to show you understand the differences and similarities between the two stories.

REMEMBER to focus on the theme of growing up.


1 – Introduction

What are you going to do?

You are going to consider how characters are shown as growing up in the short stories. You are going to explore different characters and the way in which the stories are different and similar.

2 – Growing Up

As a theme Consider the theme of growing up, select appropriate characters who are shown to be growing up.

Consider where these characters start in the story and where they end up. Look at the idea of innocence and experience, disillusionment and idealisation, happiness and unhappiness, success and failure.

3 - How growing up is shown

Select a few examples of how these stories show characters growing up.

Look at narrative, description, symbolism, language and structure.

Compare how the two stories use different methods to show growing up.

4 – Conclusion

Come to a firm conclusion and sum up how characters are shown as growing up in the short stories. You should refer back to the question.


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