
After leaving the Grundschule, usually at the age of 10, students either carry on their education at a Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium – or the Gesamtschule, which comprises all three levels.

Progress is carefully monitored and if a student does not reach the requiredlevel, he or she is obliged to repeat the year. This is called sitzen bleiben and many students fear the Wiederholung (repetition) of a school year.
In the final three years of the Gymnasium (or the Gesamtschule) students prepare for the Abitur. This is necessary in order to go on to study at a university. The topic of school enables you to describe the building and its facilities. You can also talk about the range of subjects offered by your school as well as offering your opinion on these. You must also be able to describe your daily routine in school. You could talk about your ideal school and how you would like to see it organised. There are also clear links with future plans and the importance of qualifications in achieving your goals.

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