Definition: formed by interactions between biotic (plants, microbes etc.) and abiotic (temp. humidity etc.) factors in a defined area, an agroecostystem influences the distribution and population of living organisms
Tends to minimise human impact
Differs from natural ecosystems:
- maintenance at an early successional state
- monoculture
- crops planted in rows
- simplification of biodiversity
- intensive tillage
- use of GM organisms and artificially selected crops
Refers to the study of an ecological phenomenon in the crop field e.g. relations between predators and prey
Needs energy input to maintain a balance e.g. use of pesticides disturbs balance by killing organisms
Maintenance keeps pest populations at manageable levels:
- ecosystems are ever changing systems
- ecosystems follow food webs
- All elements of an agroecosystem are closely linked. Disturbance to one has effects on others