Viral Disease

Viruses are ultra-microscopic and the simplest life forms.

Human, animal and plant viral diseases are prevented and treated naturally with good nutrition and natural sunlight/UVC.

UVC is applied in modern engineering.

As with bacteria and moulds, viruses do not survive in sunlight (UVC).

They are inactive without a living host.

Viral diseases spread through air, water, in soil, rivers, sea, sewage, within living organisms and also control the world's bacterial population.

The largest group of viruses (10 to the power of 31) are bacteriophages (phage). They are harmless to other living organisms. They only infect and destroy bacteria, so are of great benefit to public health.

Influenza affects the upper respiratory tract

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and results in the immune system breaking down so that it can no longer defend the body against disease

Viral diseases can be very difficult to treat because the viruses have no metabolism of their own hence antibiotics have no effect on them.

There are a few antiviral drugs, however, which can work by:

- Inhibiting the production of viral DNA/RNA by altering the host cell’s DNA

- Preventing the enzymes essential for the production of new virus particles from working

- Preventing the viral particles from entering the cells in the first place

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