What A-Level Business grade do you want?

Everyone would like to improve their grades but you will only manage this with a lot of hard work and determination. Your final A Level grade depends on the extent to which you meet the assessment objectives.

The hints below offer advice on how to improve your grade.

For a grade A or A*

You have to:

  • show in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of a wide range of business theory and concepts;
  • apply this to familiar and unfamiliar situations, problems and issues, using appropriate numerical and non-numerical techniques;
  • evaluate effectively evidence and arguments; and
  • make reasoned judgements in presenting appropriate conclusions.

You have to be a very good all-rounder to achieve a grade A. The exams test all areas of the syllabus, and any weaknesses in your understanding of Business will be found out.

For a grade C

You have to have a good understanding of the aspects shown in the grade A bulletpoints, but you will have weaknesses in some of these areas.

To improve, you will need to work hard to overcome these weaknesses, and also make sure that you have an efficient and effective exam technique.

As a rough guide you will need to score an average of between 50% and 60% for a grade C, and over 75% for a grade A..

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