Flag (John Agard)

Flag by John Agard

What’s that fluttering in a breeze?

It’s just a piece of cloth

that brings a nation to its knees.

What’s that unfurling from a pole?

It’s just a piece of cloth

that makes the guts of men grow bold.

What’s that rising over a tent?

It’s just a piece of cloth

that dares the coward to relent.

What’s that flying across a field?

It’s just a piece of cloth

that will outlive the blood you bleed.

How can I possess such a cloth?

Just ask for a flag, my friend.

Then blind your conscience to the end.

Analysis of the Poem

Stanza One

Flags are highly symbolic objects. However, here Agard juxtaposes his simple description of a flag as a 'piece of cloth' with the powerful symbolism of a flag. In other words, it's just a piece of cloth but has the power to bring a nation to its knees. He repeats this structure throughout the poem. The use of question at the start suggests that this poem constitutes a form of dialogue. The image of people kneeling can be one of submission or reverence (respect).

Stanza Two

Note the structure of the poem, five three-line stanzas. Each stanza follows an eight-six-eight syllable count which gives the poem a very fixed, rigid form. Each stanza opens with a question. There appears to be more than one voice in the poem, although this isn't completely clear. Is someone asking these questions or is the speaker merely voicing a general question on behalf of others? The last line in this stanza is a reference to patriotism. Within the context of the poem the collective term 'men' can also be said to possess a metonymic quality in as much as 'men' could also represent an army, a nation, or a general term for humanity. Can you find any other subtle references to the military?

Stanza Three

In the third stanza the flag is 'rising' over a tent, but what kind of tent? The image certainly suggests a campaign tent although peculiarly it is a somewhat old fashioned image. In this instance the flag personifies courage and antagonism, daring the coward to relent, but relent to what? To fight? To surrender? Again this image connotes conflict. 

Stanza Four

Here the flag is flying across a field which carries a colonial connotation as if the field is being claimed on behalf of someone. The field could be a battlefield or even the green pastures of a rural and agricultural nation. What is important is that the speaker offers something of a guarded warning in saying that the flag will outlive 'you'. Who is the 'you' in this poem? Is it 'you' the reader or the 'you' the absent voice in this poem? 

Stanza Five

The last stanza stands out from the rest of the poem. Note how the tone of the poem has changed from direct questioning to a more open, philosophical tone - 'How can I possess such a cloth?' During the course of the poem the speaker has warned how this simple piece of cloth possesses a power and symbolism of its own. When the second speaker asks how they can possess such power the speaker warns that should you want to possess such power you must 'bind your conscience to the end.' Your conscience is your sense of justice, fair play and right and wrong, so to 'bind' or handcuff your conscience is to prevent it from working. So we could say that overall the speaker is presenting the flag as a dangerous object and one that changes the way people think and see. 

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