The Student Guide to Revision

We asked our Revision World users for their top revision tips and exam preparation advice. Here are their top revision tips:
Create your own revision Timetable
I used the free revision timetable generator on Revision World. This helped me to not only plan my revision time but also plot my exam timetable so I could make sure I revised each subject when I needed to. (You can create your own revision timetable here).
Nadima, Bristol
Practice with Past Exam Papers
Practising using past exam papers really helped me with my revision. I could see the areas I was struggling with and used my time better to focus on those areas. I also found I was less nervous going into the exams as I knew what to expect. (You can download past papers on Revision World for free, GCSE here and A-Level here).
Seb, London
Revise throughout the year
The people in my class that got the best grades all worked throughout the two year course. I built up my revision level slowly throughout the year and really started to put in the hours from March onwards. This approach helped motivate to put in more hours closer to the exams as I had got used to working hard early in the course.
Jessica, Wolverhampton
Don’t Panic
You probably already know more than you think, having studied a subject in school time for two years or more. Be positive think about the areas you are confident in then use your revision time to fill in the blanks. This way you will remain level headed and as confident as possible. If you sit your exam with a clear head you will find you remember more anyway.
Ben, Nottingham
Form a Study Group
Revise with your friends to help each other out. I found that working with my friends meant we could all motivate each other to work hard and it also helped fill in the gaps in each other’s knowledge. It was much more fun than working on my own.
Vikki, Enfield