Geography of technology
The technological fix
The technological fix is where humans solve issues and problems facing them using technology – machines, tools or computer systems.
Why do we need technology?
We are short of energy for the continuing development of the world and this means getting to the remaining fossil fuels. For the developing world the ability to buy into the new technology, such as solar power, will be the biggest problem due to financial constraints.
- To deal with world poverty and social inequality.
- To effectively feed the world.
- To cope with rising population.
- To cope with climate change.
- To tackle pollution.
- To deal with the scarcity of water.
Types of technological fix

Access to technology
Various factors control the access to technology:
- levels of development
- political and historical reasons
- physical factors
- religious and military reasons.
The knowledge economies (well-developed educational systems) in the East Asia, the USA and UK lead the way in technology and as a result are best placed to gain wealth and prosper. Furthermore, their access to such technologies ‘shrinks’ global distances. Those who have been
fortunate to embrace technology are developing at the fastest rate.
Technology and the future
The use of technology has long been seen as determining population and resource relationships. Two futures are predicted.
- A divergent world with a technological core (the developed world) and a technologically backward periphery (the developing world).
- A convergent world with technology for all.