Physical Influences on the Distribution of Population


In areas of high population density, the land is often flat and low lying which encourages settlement development.

Land like this is easier to build on and goods are easier to transport. In areas of low population density, the land is often rugged, steep and high above sea level.

It is often extremely difficult to settle in areas of this style.


A climate which is not too extreme in either direction often encourages the greatest settlement growth.

In areas of low population density, the climate is often either far too cold (e.g. Antarctica) or far too hot (e.g. Sahara Desert).


If the vegetation is low lying; it is easy to remove so encourages settlement.

In areas of dense vegetation (e.g. the Amazon Rainforest) it is often difficult to settle.


Access to a fresh supply of water is vital for determining the density of an areas population.

Where the water supply is good, high population densities will be found.

Where the water supply is poor, low population densities will be found.


If the soil is rich and fertile; the population density is often high as people are able to yield good crops.

If the soil is thin and unproductive, few people will live in the area.

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