Question 4
What measures did Peel take to help the British economy?
- 1841 Peel became Prime Minister facing serious economic problems
- Exports fell – industrial slump and industry stagnating
- Poor harvests since 1837 – bread prices high slump meant misery for workers
- Financial crisis – small banks collapsed
- £2 million deficit left by Whigs
Paragraph One
- Peel’s measures to rectify the crisis:
- Took measures to promote free trade
- Huskisson had removed many tariffs in 1820s but Whigs took no further action (1200 items still subject to tariffs)
- Peel influenced by the ‘Manchester School’ (Cobden and Bright) – British industry strangled by tariffs
- Argued that tariffs made raw materials more expensive and thus higher production costs
- Foreign countries resented Great Britain’s tariffs and less inclined to trade
- Duty on imported corn – food dearer – hit the poor
- Removal of tariffs would make exports cheaper and stimulate industry and employment
- Budgets of 1842 and 1845 removed many tariffs
- Result – trade revival, increased employment, cheaper food
- An age of prosperity began which lasted until 1875
Paragraph Two
- Bank Charter Act 1844
- Problem – all banks could issue bank notes without limit
- Danger of over-issue and lack of gold to back notes
- Some banks collapsed in time of slump
- Peel knew trade could only flourish if currency was stable so:
- no new banks could issue notes
- limits put on existing banks
- Bank of England could issue notes up to £14 million; beyond that they had to be backed by the Bank’s gold reserves
- Result – currency became very stable and London world’s leading monetary centre
Paragraph Three
- The Companies Act 1844
- No control on formation of companies
- 1830s many dubious companies went bankrupt or dishonest directors ran off with investors’ money
- All companies to be registered and present proper accounts
- Some success but did not apply to companies that had to get parliamentary approval eg railways – some of the biggest fraudsters involved