Further Development of Crisis
Development of crisis
- As soon as Parliament act became law preparations for resistance began
- Coordinated by Edward Carson, leader of Irish Unionist Parliamentary Party
- And James Craig, leader of Ulster Unionist Council
- September 1911 Craig organised mass meeting of Orange Order members
- 50,000 attended and heard Carson condemn the forthcoming bill
- Urged Unionists to resist
- September 28th 1912 the Solemn League and Covenant drawn up by Carson
- The signers declared they would resist home rule through any means necessary
- Signed by 250,000 men, almost as many women signed
- Some signed in their own blood to show their belief in the matter
- Shows seriousness and size of opposition to Home Rule
Paramilitary organisations
- In January 1913 the resistance became far more serious
- The Ulster Volunteer Force were formed (UVF)
- These were a paramilitary force whose senior offices had served in the British Army
- By March 1914 they had 100,000 members
- In response the Nationalists in the South set up a rival group
- The Irish National Volunteers
- The creation of two paramilitary groups fuelled by opposing beliefs meant civil war became a real possibility
- Asquith’s government banned the importation of arms to Ireland in December 1913
Conservative opposition
- Opposition to home rule was well established by 1912
- Leader Andrew Bonar Law declared ‘I can imagine no length of resistance to which Ulster can go in which I would not be prepared to support them’
- He basically advocated violence by the Ulster men in resistance to Home Rule
- Conservatives were strong believers in the Empire and did not want to weaken it
- They were deeply resentful of the reduction of the Lords power
- They argued Home Rule was only being introduced as the Liberals were dependant of the Irish Nationals
- They had been out of office since 1096 and saw Home rule as a chance to increase popularity
Curragh Mutiny March 1914
- Army units in Ireland controlled mainly by officers with Irish-Protestant background
- These were overwhelmingly Unionists
- Rumours arose that the government were to issue orders to arrest the Ulster leaders
- 58 officers resigned their posts
- Action was impossible as the whole army held sympathy for these defectors
- The government appeared weak and indecisive on the matter
- The mutiny showed that the government could not rely on the army to enforce Home Rule
Arms arrive
In April 1914 shipments of arms from Germany arrived in Ulster
- The Germans hoping to start a civil war which would take the eye of the British army from them and weaken the military power of Britain
- The Ulster Volunteers were now a well organised and well armed organisation
- In June guns arrived in Dublin but were seized by the authorities
- 3 people were killed and 40 wounded in fighting which ensued
- Although not as well armed as the UVF the INV did become armed
- This now saw 2 organisations armed with differing beliefs
Attempts at compromise
- Asquith, Bonar Law and Carson had agreed that an amending bill would be introduced
- This would contain a compromise for both sides
- The 1st proposal was the exclusion of the Ulster states for 6 years
- The House of Lords moved for permanent exclusion of all Ulster states
- The government could not accept this solution as it would be deemed unacceptable by Nationalists
- A second conference was arranged with all parties represented
- The conference never agreed on a compromise and was abandoned with the outbreak of war