Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Arab League
- October 1945 Britain helped form the Arab League
- The first members were Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia
- Its purpose was to prevent Soviet progress in the region
- Others joined as they became independent
- By 1983 new members included Sudan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Oman, South Yemen, Kuwait and Bahrain
- The 36 million Arabs had a common language and culture
- Most were Muslims and hated colonial rule
- They had similar economic problems
- Even oil rich states had unequal distribution of wealth among rich and poor
- But above all else they hated Israel
Palestine 1923-47
- British Mandate from 1923
- Promises made during World War I led to Arab expectations
- Also led to Jewish hopes for a homeland
- Theodore Herzl (Viennese Jew) started the Zionist Movement
- 1896 First Zionist Congress – he proposed a national home for the world’s Jews
- The Balfour Declaration seemed to be a British commitment to this
- 1920s 10,000 Jews a year settled in Palestine
- Arabs alarmed – saw this as more Western imperialism
- 1922 Churchill said it was a promise of a national Jewish home not a state
- 1929 Arab riots against the 100,000 Jewish settlers
- Jews protected themselves with the Haganah (their own security force)
- 1933 Britain restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine to appease the Arabs
- Led to Jewish riots
- 1933 Jewish demand for entry to Palestine increased (Hitler came to power)
- The figures:
- 1936 – 60,000 Jews went to Palestine
- 1937 – 400,000 Jews living in Palestine
- 1939 – 600,000 facing a million Arabs
- 1937 – the Arab Revolt led to the Peel Commission
- This reported that the Mandate could not work
- Also said Palestine should be divided
- Arabs refused the idea of a Jewish state
World War II
- Nazi persecution of Jews but British restricted numbers fleeing to Palestine
- Thousands entered illegally
Post World War II
- 1945-7 much sympathy for Jews world-wide
- British Foreign Minister Bevin tried to restrict Jewish entry to Palestine to please Arabs
- Arabs angry though and attacked Jewish settlements
- Haganah defended these
- Jewish terrorist gangs were formed e.g. Irgun and the Stern Gang
- Used bombs and gunmen against army posts, police stations and government buildings
- President Truman of USA was fighting an election and asked Britain to admit more Jews
- Bevin now handed the problem to the UN
- 14 may 1948 British forces left
- The Jews immediately announced the formation of the state of Israel
- UN suggested partition – rejected by the Arabs
First Arab-Israeli War
- Fighting began before the British left
- Jordan sent in the Arab Legion under British general Glubb
- Egypt joined in led by Nasser and Neguib
- Syria attacked too
- The Jews appealed for world help but little came
- UN officials tried to end the fighting but failed
- Count Bernadotte was murdered by Jewish terrorists (September 1948)
- The Arabs failed to defeat the Jews
- February 1949 the War ended
- Israel gained more territory than had been allotted to it by the UN proposals of 1948
- A million Arabs fled from Palestine to live in refugee camps in Jordan, Syria and Egypt
Reasons for Arab Defeat
- Their leaders were at odds with one another
- Each wanted an advantage from the war
- Their armies lacked a co-ordinated plan
- So the Jews could defeat them one after the other
- Their armies were badly led
- The Jews had the technical skills of British-trained officers
- The Jews had no option but to fight to the bitter end
- A UN commission helped end the war
- The UN Truce Supervisory Commission was needed to police the new frontiers
- Jerusalem was divided between Israel and Jordan
- Israel claimed the Gaza Strip and only tolerated Egyptian occupation of the Strip for the time being
- Arab terrorists made frequent attacks on the Jews
- The Jews attacked camps harbouring the terrorists
- Russia had supported Israel in the hope of securing a base in the region
- When Israel proved to be America’s client, Russia backed the Arabs and supplied them with arms
Egypt under Nasser
- Gamel Abdel Nasser – an army officer
- Fought against Israel in 1948-9
- July 1952 was one of the coup leaders that overthrew King Farouk
- Deputy Prime Minister to General Neguib 1952-4
- He overthrew and replaced Neguib
Nasser’s Ambitions
- The Egyptian leader who would free Egypt from last remnants of British control
- He negotiated the withdrawal of the 90,000 troops in the Canal Zone (1954-5)
- As a socialist leader who improved living standards in Egypt
- Land reforms – land taken from rich to give to the peasants
- Social reforms in education, health and housing
- With foreign aid build the Aswan Dam to control the Nile and help irrigation
- Unite all Arabs in an Arab Union
- Formed the United Arab Republic with Syria 1958 (broke up 1961)
- It was reformed (and to include Iraq) in 1963 – then broke up again
Reactions to Nasser
- His ambitions were viewed with alarm by other Arab leaders e.g. Kings of Iraq, Jordan and Saudi Arabia
- He then helped General Kassem to overthrow and murder King Feisal of Iraq (1958)
- But he then rivalled him for the leadership of the left-wing Arab future
- A Nasser-led Arab Union was feared by US, France and Britain
- Also feared a Russian-controlled Middle Eastern Union
- France was fighting a war in Algeria – Nasser was helping these and he gave them shelter when they fled
The Baghdad Pact
- 1954 Turkey and Pakistan formed mutual defence pact
- 1955 pro-Western King Feisal of Iraq joined too
- 1956 Britain and Persia joined
- USA gave economic aid to its members
- 1958 Iraq and Jordan formed anti-Nasser Arab Federation
- West hoped King Hussein of Jordan would join the Pact
- Nasser feared this and put pressure on him while bringing about the fall of Feisal of Iraq
- Jordan never joined the Pact
- 1959 West thought they had created a powerful bloc
- It was first called the Baghdad Pact
- Then renamed the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)
Suez Crisis 1956
- US and Great Britain gave Nasser aid to build the Aswan Dam
- 1955 he asked for more aid to buy weapons
- US refused – he wouldn’t be able to afford to pay back both sorts of aid
- Also, US feared he would attack Israel
- Russia and Czechoslovakia supplied the arms
- 1956 US cut aid for the dam and forced Great Britain to do same
- July 1956 Nasser nationalised the Canal claiming that the revenues from the Canal would pay for the Dam
- Eden (Great Britain’s Prime Minister) believed he had US support to overthrow Nasser
- France (part owner of the Canal) was angry about Nasser’s support for the Algerian rebels
- Israel angry about his support for terrorist attacks in the Gaza Strip
Second Arab-Israeli War 1956
- Great Britain, France and Israel agreed a joint attack on Egypt
- October 1956 Israel attacked the Gaza Strip
- Occupied most of Sinai Peninsula
- November 1956 Great Britain and France called on Egypt and Israel to withdraw their forces from the Canal Zone
- This would mean only an Egyptian withdrawal – and from Egyptian territory
- Nasser refused – so Great Britain and France attacked
- Egypt’s air force destroyed on the ground
- Troops landed at Alexandria to capture the Canal
- US and Russia condemned Great Britain and France’s actions
- They withdrew their forces, but only after the Arab countries threatened to cut off oil supplies
- Nasser sank ships to block the Canal
- Great Britain and France were made to appear as aggressors and failures
- It led to many Afro-Asian states turning to Russia for leadership
- UN peacekeeping force sent to clear the Canal and to keep the peace
- It also had a post at Sharm el Sheik to ensure Israeli ships could access the port of Eilat
- Terrorist attacks on Israel from Gaza continued
- Nasser’s diplomatic victory made him more popular in the Arab world
- He was now more anti-Israel than before
- Syria (his partner in the UAR) shelled Israel from the Golan Heights
- 1957 the US fleet arrive to support the pro-Western regime in Lebanon where pro-Nasser riots were taking place
- 1958 pro-Western King Feisal of Iraq assassinated and left-wing pro-Russian government took over
- 1959 general Kassem took Iraq out of Baghdad Pact
- Egypt supported local nationalists in their struggle against British influence in the Gulf, Aden and the South Arabian Federation
Third Arab- Israel War (6 Day War) 1967
- Spring 1967 increase in terrorist activity led by PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
- Syria increased shelling from Golan Heights
- Syria had left UAR 1961 and was outbidding Egypt in demand for an Arab attack on Israel
- Iraq under Kassem was claiming to be more socialist than Egypt
- Iraq now claimed to be the leading Arab state
- Saudi Arabia was helping anti-Nasser forces in Yemen and claimed leadership of less radical Arab states
- Nasser decided to act to restore his position as main Arab leader
- Jordan under pressure from PLO signed a military pact with Nasser (4th June 1967)
The Fighting
- Moshe Dayan became Minister of Defence
- He believed attack was the best of defence
- 5th June 1967 Israel attacked the Arab airfields
- Israeli army drove Egyptians back across the Sinai
- Also advanced to the River Jordan
- Defeated the Syrians on Golan Heights
- June 8th Jordan surrendered
- June 11th Syria and Egypt surrendered
- Israel refused UN plea for a return to the old borders
- Israel took all land up to the east bank of the Canal
- Syria was partly occupied including Golan Heights
- West Bank of the Jordan remained in Israeli hands
- Clashes continued until 1970 when UN arranged a cease-fire
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
- This contained groups who aimed to destroy Israel
- Yasser Arafat was main leader and spokesman
- More militant groups followed their own line
- 1960 Kassem of Iraq formed the Palestine Army
- PLO most active in Jordan
- 1960s they forced Hussein to abandon his moderate line and ally with Nasser
- PLO made frequent raids into Israel
- Also hijacked planes and forced them to land in Jordan where they were blown up
- 1972 they gunned down 100 people at Lydda airport Tel Aviv
- 1972 Munich Olympics the Black September Group of the PLO kidnapped Israelis
- These were killed in the ensuing gunfight with the German police
- Israel made reprisal raids on terrorist camps
- September 1970 King Hussein turned on PLO when it tried to overthrow him
- PLO then found most help in Syria
- 1972 Sadat, Nasser’s successor in Egypt sent Russian advisors home
- This angered Syria and caused another rift in the Arab world
Fourth Arab-Israeli War of Yom Kippur October 6 1973
- Egypt wanted return of Sinai
- Syria wanted Golan Heights
- They agreed to attack Israel
- October 6th is a Jewish Holy Day (Yom Kippur)
- On that day Syria attacked Golan Heights
- Helped by Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
- Egypt attacked across the Canal and broke through the Israeli Bar-Lev line
- The Arab attack was successful at first
- Russia supplied them with aid and technical help
- USA reluctant to help Israel at first
- Then they sent planes and artillery and Israel drove back the Arabs
- The Syrians were driven back to Damascus
- Israel also captured the west bank of the Canal
- The Egyptian army on the east bank and in Port Said was surrounded
- Cease-fire was arranged by US Secretary of state Kissinger and UN mediators
- Israel kept her gains in Sinai and Golan Heights
- OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
- Founded 1961
- This was largely at the initiative of Venezuela
- Its first aim was to help oil producing countries in negotiations with oil multi-national companies who developed each country’s oilfields but only paid them a small amount
- By 1972 foreign oil companies had lost control of the industry
- They had to deal with well-educated and able ministers
- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Bahrain and Iraq were the leading Arab members of OPEC
- The Arabs having failed in war decided to use OPEC in their struggle
- 1972-3 raised oil prices
- By 1974 they were four times higher than 1972
- Flow of money to the Arab states
- Western inflation rose
- Slow in world trade due to balance of payments problems
The oil weapon and divisions
- The Arabs used their oil as a weapon
- Threatened to cut off oil to any country supporting Israel (Holland was first)
- Arabs were divided though
- The royalists e.g. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were not as militant as anti-monarchist Libya wanted
- Iraq then went to war Iran – so it was short of oil
The Lebanon 1975-6
- Christians and Muslims lived in uneasy peace
- They shared political power
- 1975 right-wing Christian groups tried to break the power of left-wing Muslim groups
- Serious fighting – capital Beirut devastated
- 1976 PLO had supported Lebanese Muslims
- They needed a new home after being thrown out of Jordan
- Syrian and other Arab forces entered to restore peace
- The Syrians fought the PLO while the Christians looked on
- Israel kept a watchful eye on proceedings
1976 PLO and Entebbe
- June 1976 PLO terrorists hi-jacked an Air France plane containing many Jewish passengers and forced it to go to Entebbe in Uganda
- President Amin allowed the terrorists to use the old airport as a prison for the Jewish hostages
- They demanded the release of Palestinian guerrillas held in Israeli and other prisons
- Israel sent a rescue operation – an airborne force which rescued nearly all the captives, killed most of the hijackers and the Ugandan guards placed round the airport
Peace 1977
- October 1977President Sadat flew to Jerusalem
- He met Prime Minister Begin of Israel there
- He addressed the Knesset (Israeli Parliament)
- Sadat suggested the two countries make peace
- Begin then visited Cairo
- Sadat was condemned by the Russians, most Arab countries and PLO for betrayal
- Sadat couldn’t arrange a total peace – no other Arab state would agree
- So just Egypt and Israel made peace
- Israel withdrew from Sinai
- Egypt allowed free access to Eilat through the Gulf Aqaba
- Israel promised to eventually withdraw from Gaza
- Religious fanatics and Israeli nationalists were opposed to the settlement
Lebanon 1976-86
- Internal divisions e.g. Christians had at least 12 different groups
Divisions among the Christians
Religious divisions
- Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Roman Catholic
- Most important were the Maronites
Family Divisions
- Certain families were accepted as leaders of some Christian groups e.g. the Chamoun, Franijeh, and Gemayel
- These groups had their own private armies and bases
- So part of East Beirut was known as Marounistan (Maronite area)
- They fought each other for political and territorial power
- Made allies to aid them e.g. Muslims, Syrians, PLO, Israel
- Also turned against ally if this suited their purposes
Divisions among the Muslims
- Shia Muslims believe that when the Prophet Mohammad died in 632 his son-in-law, Ali, became his successor
- Sunni Muslims (the majority) believe that the Prophet didn’t name a successor
- They say that Muslims as a whole have the right to choose a successor at any one time
- The Druzes are a small group who broke away from mainstream Islam
- They have a ‘secret book’, read only by chosen leaders
- Live mainly in mountain villages – so the region is often called ‘the Druze Mountains’
- They are disliked by Sunnis and Shias and have left-wing politics
- They are led by the Jumblatt family
- Some left-wing Muslims accept the leadership of Syria
- Others fear a communist takeover
Outside Influence
- Until 1975 there was an uneasy peace between the various groups
- Political power was shared
- Each group had a power base and methods of raising funding
- Many had their own ports through which to channel drug trafficking for funds
- The peace was broken in 1975 and PLO tried to take advantage in 1976
- Dominant Christian groups accepted help from Syria and Syria intervened to break the power of Yasser Arafat and PLO
- Led to civil war 1976-1982
The Civil War
- Christian groups fought each other for control
- 1978 the heads of several leading Christian families were assassinated by other Christian groups
- Lebanese forces fell apart as members joined the various Christian and Muslim camps
- Israel attacked PLO and other bases in southern Lebanon
- This was to stop raids into Israel
- 1976 launched invasion of Lebanon but withdrew on US pressure
- 1981 Syria defeated the Christian armies
1982 Israeli Invasion
- 1981 new government formed by Begin
- Contained hard-liners e.g. Sharon the defence minister
- Some wanted to wipe out bases used to attack Israel
- Others wanted to annex southern Lebanon
- Feared that Syrian dominated Lebanon would threaten Israel
1982-3 War
- Israeli forces reached Beirut
- Were helped by some Christian forces who wanted to remove Syrian forces
- PLO was defeated by Israel with Syrian connivance – they made little effort to help
- PLO forces driven out
- Some went Algeria and Jordan
- Internal PLO struggle followed
- Some condemned Arafat who wanted a greater struggle against Israel
- He knew that a deal with Israel was needed to get recognition for the Palestinians
- 1983 Arafat and PLO forces returned to Lebanon
- They then has a PLO civil war – Syria defeated Arafat
- Arafat left to find a new home in Egypt
- Israel and Syria now fought for control of northern Lebanon
- Syrian forces were driven back to the northern valley
- Israeli and Druze forces then fought their own war
- International pressure forced Israel to withdraw to South Lebanon
- Agreed that if Syria withdrew from the north then Israel would leave Lebanon
American Intervention 1983-4
- Syria took increasing control of Lebanese affairs: defeated PLO which had withdrawn; 1981 defeated the Christians; Russia supplied weapons and advisers; 1983 occupied the north; continued the struggle against Gemayel’s Christian government
- Reagan overthrew communist government of Grenada
- Sent 1500 troops and a fleet to invade Lebanon
- Supported by Great Britain, France and Italy who sent troops as part of an international peace-keeping force
- This came under attack from Syrian, Druze and Muslim forces
- It allowed public opinion to see the US and other forces as pro-Israeli
- Threat to world peace as Syria was backed by Russia
- If US forces clashed with Syria’s would the Soviets send help
- 1984-6 terrorist attacks on US embassy in Beirut
- Reagan withdrew US forces
- Israel withdrew too
- Christian and Muslim forces continued the fight
- PLO returned to the fight too