Question 1
Why was there discontent in Russia 1861-1914 and how was the discontent expressed?
Paragraph One
Start with the reasons for discontent:
- Gulf between rulers and rules for centuries
- All-powerful Tsar backed by orthodox Church and aristocracy
- Huge peasant population mainly serfs till 1861
- Peasants poor, legally and economically oppressed by nobles
- Small middle class in towns – no political power or social standing
- Social change increased discontent
- Land shortage by 1900 through growth of rural population
- Rapid industrialisation – appalling conditions in industrial towns
- Larger and better educated middle class less willing to tolerate its powerless situation
Paragraph Two
Tsar Alexander II’s reign
- Reforms – serf emancipation, zemstvos, military and judicial
- But – emancipation meant serfs had to pay compensation
- Also – zemstvos local not national
- Later in reign Alexander became repressive – secret police and censorship
- Alexander assassinated
Paragraph Three
Alexander III’s reign
- Russian society changing faster than at any time in history
- But – extreme conservatism following Alex II assassination
Paragraph Four
Nicholas II’s reign
- Still conservative but less determination
- Aggressive expensive foreign policy
- Russo-Japanese War 1905 – defeated led to 1905 Revolution
- Tsar failed to learn the lessons
- Ignored Dumas 1906-14
- Aggressive foreign policy in Balkans
- Ruinous influence of Tsarina and Rasputin
Paragraph Five
Expression of discontent
- Peasant risings
- ‘to the people’ student movement (1873)
- Liberal demands for reforms through the zemstvos
- Formation of Marist revolutionary parties eg Social Democrats
- Revolutionary terrorism (Social Revolutionaries)
- 1905 general strike and revolution