Politics in Confusion
Politics in Confusion 1918-24
Coupon election 1918
- First general election since representation on people act 1918
- 8 million new voters eligible, 6 million women and 2 million men
- Election not fought on typical party lines
- Coalition of Lloyd George Liberals and Conservatives continued
- Lloyd George now totally dependent on Conservatives to remain in office
- Conservatives saw continuation of Coalition as a good thing for them, continue in power and could remove Lloyd George anytime
- Liberals still split, many areas had 2 Liberal candidates standing
- ‘Coupon Election’ as Lloyd George and Bonar Law gave coupons to their candidates
- This let the electorate know who was genuine coalition candidate
- Coalition won easily, mainly due to popularity of Lloyd George(man who won war)
- Also Lloyd George offering ‘Country fit for heroes’ if remained in office
- Coalition won 478 seats, 335 Conservatives, 133 Lloyd George Liberals and 10 Labour supporters
- Labour won 63 seats making them the opposition for the first time
- Election disaster for Liberals whose representation was halved and Asquith lost seat
- Though triumph for Lloyd George as remained on power was dependent on Conservatives
- Had majority enough to form own government
- However, Bonar Law was admirer of Lloyd George and recognised popularity in election partially due to Lloyd George
Problems faced by coalition
Demobilisation of troops
- Began by allowing those holding key civilians jobs to leave first
- Protests broke out and the government changed to ‘first in first out’ policy
- By 1919 4 million troops had been demobbed
- Most found jobs due to post war boom
- Encouraging beginning to post war Britain
- Sudden rise in inflation after end of war
- Partly due to governments removal of wartime controls on prices, profits and guaranteed wage levels
- Prices and profits rose but wages fell behind
- Trade unions fought to protect their members, over 2000 strikes in 1919-20
- However, disillusionment not caused simply by low wages
- Working class had become bitter about position after life in the trenches
- This only intensified the gap between the classes in Britain
- The workers had been conscripted into the fighting, while the capitalists and profiteers had had earned money from the war
- The government were fearful of a revolution happening as had recently taken place in Russia
- Strikes and riots happened in Scotland in February and March 1919
- Miners wanted 6 hour working day, 30% wage increase and continued government control of all mines
- Fearful of revolution Lloyd George offered 7 hour day continued government control for time being and ordered the Sankey Commission to investigate the problem
- The miners accepted the offer for a while
Economic slump 1921
- 2 million unemployed by end of 1921
- Caused by slow decline of British economy which had been underway since 1870
- The requirements of war had boosted steel, coal and textile industries
- Peace meant demand fell
- Many foreign buyers had been unable to obtain British goods during war and had sought other alternatives
- Once the war was over British exports, Shipbuilding, textiles, coal, iron and steel never returned to previous levels
National Insurance
- In 1920 the government had extended the National Insurance Act to pay unemployment for longer than the 15 weeks arranged in the 1911 Act
- Boom conditions had applied and mass unemployment was not expected
- After the slump of 1921 payments were outweighing contributions
- Labour criticised the payments as treating the symptoms rather than finding a cure
- Claimed the payments were too low
- Conservatives condemned the payments as they would demoralise the workers
- However, with the payments the Coalition eased the situation and could have prevented a revolution
Coal Industry troubles
- Whether to remain under government control or return to private ownership
- Matters worsened on 1 April 1921 when the entire industry went on strike
- This was because the Sankey commission had failed to agree on a solution
- Some recommended return to private some continued government control
- Bitterly disappointed miners who wanted nationalisation
- Lloyd George able to return mines to private ownership on findings of Sankey report
- Miners felt Lloyd George, one of their own, had turned his back on them
- Miners were told that due to lowering demand in exports wages would be reduced
- Miners threatened general strike
- On 15th April 1921 triple alliance allies, railwaymen and transport workers, abandoned idea
- Known as ‘Black Friday’ of the trade union movement
- Miners continued alone for 3 months
- Position was hopeless and they had to give way on all points
- Soon after workers in other trades had to accept wage reductions
- Shipbuilding, engineering, building, textiles, printing and railways
- Lloyd George had been victorious in sense that strike had failed and general strike avoided
- However, he was quickly losing popularity with working community
Reduction in Government Revenue and ‘Geddes Axe’
- Lack of money coming into treasury through taxation
- Caused by slump in exports and internal sales
- Lowering of taxation on wages due to unemployment
- And unemployment benefits being paid
- Committee under supervision of Sir Eric Geddes recommended drastic cuts in expenditure
- Government took advice and saved £64 million
- Became known as ‘Geddes Axe’
- Involved reduction of expenditure in army, navy, education, health services and building of council housing
- Measures were successful but highly unpopular
- Labour and Left wing Liberals criticised government and declared Lloyd George prisoner of Conservatives
- Trouble flared up in Ireland soon after 1918 election
- Sinn Fein went from just 7 seats to holding majority in Ireland with 73
- The Irish Nationalists fell to just 6 seats and were forgotten
- The Sinn Fein members refused to take up seats in Westminster and set up their own parliament in Dublin, Dail Eireann, and proclaimed the Republic of Ireland
- IRA began campaign of terror against police
- Government retaliated by sending in ‘Black and Tans’
- Many Liberals resented Lloyd George’s use of black and tans
- Conservatives were furious union of Britain and Ireland had been destroyed
- Serious for Lloyd George as future in power was dependent of Conservative support
Foreign affairs
- Under pressure from Conservatives Lloyd George sent British troops to aid anti-Bolshevik forces in Russia
- British troops were withdrawn having achieved nothing in 1919 as Bolsheviks were victorious
- Russian communists and British admirers resented Lloyd George’s intervention
- He quickly moved for Anglo-Russian trade treaty to help reconciliation
Genoa Conference 1922
- Growing tension between France and Germany over reparations
- Germany complaining could not afford instalments
- Lloyd George sought French reductions and resuming of Russian relations with Europe
- Conference failure
- French refused all compromise, America refused to attend, Russia offended by demands to honour all debts by the Tsarist government
- Germans and Russians withdrew and signed Rapallo agreement
- Both countries wiped of debts
- Other nations concerned of agreement between 2 suspect states and blamed Lloyd George
Chanak Incident 1922
- Event which triggered Lloyd George’s downfall
- Turks threatened to break Versailles treaty by moving troops to neutral zone
- Clashing with British occupied zone
- Lloyd George threatened war with the entire British Empire if the Turks overstepped boundary
- Crisis passed as compromise reached
- Lloyd George had failed to consult Commonwealth Prime Ministers before declaring them into war
- Conservatives outraged and seen as unforgivable rashness
Fall of Lloyd George
- Had been losing working class support due to actions
- Labour had won 13 by elections between 1918-22
- Conservatives members met at Carlton Club to discuss Lloyd George and the continuation of the coalition
- Vote went 185 to 85 in favour of ending coalition
- Lloyd George resigned and Bonar Law became Prime Minister
- Conservatives abandoned Lloyd George for:
- Solution of Ireland with division
- Chanak incident
- Sale of Knighthoods for cash, so Lloyd George could fund own party without coalition
Political and social reforms undertaken by coalition
- Sex Disqualification Removal Act 1919
- Allowed women to stand for parliament
- Addison Housing Act 1919
- Extension of unemployment benefits
- Increase in Old Age Pensions
- The Rent Act 1920
- Protected working class tenants against excessive rent increase
Conservatives 1922-24
Election November 1922
- Conservatives won decisive victory
- Won 345 seats and held majority
- Liberals still divided won 62 Asquith and 54 Lloyd George
- Combined 116
- Labour had emerged as main opposition with 142 seats
- Bonar Law resigned in May 1923 through ill health
- Stanley Baldwin became Prime Minister
- He supported Joseph Chamberlain’s Tariff reform and decided to give the nation the chance to cote on the matter
Tariff Reform again!
- Bonar Law had previously promised that the Conservatives would not introduce Tariff reforms
- Baldwin decided only fair to give voters chance to decide
- Baldwin argued that tariff reform would make foreign food and goods more expensive in Britain and give a boost to British goods
- He believed that the growing unemployment would therefore be ended quickly
- The Liberals reunited under Asquith and campaigned under free trade
- Together with Labour they argued free trade would keep down the cost of food and living for British workers
- Conservatives won 258 seats, Labour 191 and Liberals 159
- This was a clear defeat for protectionism
- Labour would form a minority government for the first time with the support of the Liberals