Struggle for Power
Russia: The Struggle For Power 1922-1929
The Defeat of Trotsky
- Although popular in the Red Army he lacked a power base in the Party
- Important Party organisations were headed by Stalin, Kamenev and Zinoviev
- This ‘Triumvirate’ could out-vote Trotsky when they co-operated in the Politburo, the Central Committee, the Part Congresses
- Trotsky did not act on Lenin’s advice, for example, on the Georgian question on how to attack Stalin
- But Trotsky’s best weapon was Lenin’s Political Testament
- Even so, when the Testament was discussed in the Party, Zinoviev and Kamenev backed Stalin (1924)
- When Lenin died, the central Committee decided to keep the Testament secret
Trotsky’s problems
- October 1923 he attacked the Central Committee’s handling of economic policy
- He also complained there was ‘an incorrect and unhealthy regime in the Party’
- He said appointment had replaced election in the Party
- He described it as ‘a secretarial apparatus from above’
- Majority of Party Congress rejected his views
- He was then accused of factionalism because he persuaded 45 party members to sign his criticisms
- There now began an attack on Trotsky’s record by Stalin, Kamenev and Zinoviev
- Also, Trotsky was ill during this crucial time
- He failed to attend Lenin’s funeral (said Stalin told him the wrong day)
The ‘Literary War’
- This followed Lenin’s death
- In On the Foundations of Leninism Stalin attacked Trotsky’s criticisms of Lenin
- Trotsky fought back in Lessons of October in which he made a detailed criticism of Kemenev and Zinoviev for their opposition to Lenin in 1917
- Stalin, Bukharin and Kamenev continued the attacks
- Stalin published Comrade Trotsky’s Theory of Permanent Revolution
- Denunciations of Trotsky became routine at many Party meetings
- Trotsky was replaced as Commissar for War in January 1925
- He was replaced by Frunze (his deputy)
- He didn’t use his position in the Red Army to protect himself
The Left Defeated
- With the influence of Trotsky eliminated Zinoviev and Kamenev began to fear Stalin’s growing power in the Party
- They also disliked policy towards the peasants
- Many concessions had been made to the peasants resulting in greater difficulty for the government in buying grain
- December 1925 Zinoviev proposed a change in peasant policy and in foreign policy
- Kamenev spoke against the idea of having one leader so he again criticised Stalin’s authority in the Party
- 1926 critics of Zinoviev and Kamenev spoke to Party meetings in Leningrad and Moscow
- Elections in these cities put loyal members in control and Zinoviev and Kamenev were removed as Secretaries of the local parties
- Stalin’s political allies were added to an expanded Politburo
- These included Molotov, Voroshilov, Rudzutak and Kuibyshev
- 1926 Trotsky, Kemenev and Zinoviev formed the ‘United Opposition’
- They attacked the NEP and lack of free debate in the Party – to no avail
- 1926 Zinoviev and Kamenev were expelled from the Politburo
- 1927 Trotsky was expelled from the Party altogether
- October 1927 the United Opposition with Lenin’s widow Krupskaya held a demonstration in Red Square, Moscow
- This proved to be the last organised effort by the Left and came to nothing
- Stalin and Bukharin now dominated the Party
- 1928 Trotsky was exiled to Kazakhstan
- January 1929 he was exiled from the USSR
The Right Defeated
- Bukharin, Tomsky and Rykov wanted the NEP to continue for many years
- They wanted the smychka preserved (co-operation between peasants and proletariat)
- 1927 grain supply crisis after a good harvest (yet again)
- So new measures were passed: soldiers were sent to confiscate grain; hoarded grain was also confiscated; hoarding was made a crime
- 1928 Stalin took an interest in the Shakhty affair, a trial of alleged saboteurs in the mines who were said to be working with foreign agents
- In Notes of an Economist Bukharin attacked the new peasants policy (September 1928)
- Those on the Right were now denounced as factionalists
- Gradually they were removed from their positions
- 1929 Bukharin lost: Presidency of the Comintern; Editorship of Pravda; his seat in the Politburo
- Stalin was now supreme