Question 1

Evaluate the causes of Bolshevik success in the October 1917 Revolution 

The meaning of evaluate

  • Put the causes in a hierarchy of importance. This is done at the end but show where there are links between causes. The answer deals only with October 1917 (you don’t need to address the fall of the Tsar)

Failings and Weaknesses of the Provisional Government

  • No democratic tradition
  • Limited authority
  • Little experience
  • Released its enemies who then overthrew it
  • Problems gave enemies ammunition against it
  • Economic chaos, especially lack of food
  • The land question (couldn’t meet peasant aspirations)
  • Continuation of the war
  • Loss of support because of Kornilov episode

The Bolsheviks

  • Existence of alternative locus of political power in the soviets. Especially Petrograd and Moscow – build up of Bolshevik power there
  • The organisation, leadership and determination of the Bolsheviks
  • Importance of Lenin and Trotsky – their opportunism


  • Liberal dilemma of supporters of Provisional Government trying to behave legally and honour Russia’s obligation to her allies to continue the war in times of upheaval and chaos was the main factor
  • Kerensky unfortunate – brilliantly exploited by Lenin et al
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