Applications to Everyday Life

When evaluating psychological research you may have to assess whether the research has applications to everyday life.

Applications to everyday life = Can real life behaviour be explained using the research?

Assessing whether research has practical applications

1. You must identify applications of the research

2. You must consider whether there are any factors within the research that limit it's practical applications.

Identifying Applications

When looking at Psychological research you should try to consider whether the research has practical applications. 


  • Loftus and Palmer's Study on Eyewitness Testimony - This study has practical applications. It helps to explain how eyewitnesses' memories can be distorted through leading questions. 
  • Bandura's Aggression Study -  This study has practical applications. It helps us to understand how children learn by demonstrating the influence of imitation. It also serves as a warning of the effects of exposing children to aggression. 

Problems Applying Research 

There are many problems making research applicable to everyday life. 

Laboratory Studies 

  • Laboratory studies are low in ecological validity because laboratories are artificial environments. This means that behaviour displayed in a laboratory may not occur in everyday life. 
  •  Higher potential for demand characteristics. A Participant may realise the researcher's aim and this may change their behaviour, again making behaviour artificial and less applicable to everyday life. 


  • People may not give truthful answers because they want to create a socially desirable image. 


  • If people know that they are being watched their behaviour may not be natural 
  • Observations lack control so establishing cause and effect is difficult. 


  • In order to generalise results to everyday life the sample size must be large enough and representative of the particular cultural, political and social context 
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