Psychometric Tests in Psychological Studies

Many psychological studies use psychometric tests. Below are some examples of tests used in well known studies:

Hodges and Tizard (social and family relationships)

  • Rutter B Test – This test identifies psychiatric problems such as anxiety, paranoia and depression.

Gould (Review of IQ testing)

  • IQ Tests - Gould reviews IQ tests used by Yerkes. IQ tests are used to measure intelligence.

Thigpen and Cleckley (A case of multiple personality)

  • IQ Tests – IQ tests showed that Eve White had a higher IQ than Eve Black.
  • Memory Tests – Memory tests showed that Eve White had a good memory and Eve Black had a reasonable memory.
  • Rorschach Test - This test identified Eve White’s anxiety and obsessive compulsive traits.
  • Personality Test– This test highlighted the differences in personality between the alters.
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