(a) Describe one theory of attribution. (12 marks)

(b) Evaluate the theory of attribution that you described in part (a) in terms of research evidence. (12 marks)

(c) Discuss the nature of social representations in social perception. (24 marks) 

(d) Discuss two ways in which prejudice and/or discrimination might be reduced. (24 marks)

(e) Discuss research studies related to interpersonal attraction. (24 marks) 

(f) Describe one theory related to the maintenance of relationships. (12 marks)

(g) Evaluate the theory related to the maintenance of relationships that you described in part (f) (12 marks)

(h) Discuss cultural and sub-cultural differences in relationships, with reference to ‘understudied’ relationships. (24 marks)

(i) Critically consider one social psychological theory of aggression. (24 marks)

(j) Describe two research studies related to bystander behaviour. (12 marks) 

(k) Assess the value of these studies for understanding altruism and/or bystander behaviour. (12 marks)

(l)Discuss explanations of media influences on anti-social behaviour. (24 marks)  


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