Ethical Guidelines

The following Ethical Guidelines have been laid down by the British Psychological Society in order to protect participants in psychological research

  • Consent - Researchers should inform all participants of the objectives of the research.
  • Deception- Researchers should not withhold or mislead the participants if they are likely to object to this deception during debrief.
  • Debriefing - Researchers must debrief the participants before they leave the setting. Debrief does not provide a justification for unethical aspects of the research
  • Withdrawal -Researchers must make it clear to the participants that they have a right to withdraw from the experiment at any time during the research.
  • Confidentiality - Researchers must keep all information obtained from the participants confidential, unless agreed otherwise.
  • Protection- Researchers must protect partipants from any physical or emotion harm
  • Observations - Researchers must only observe partipants in environments that people would expect to be obseved by strangers or with prior consent.
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