Is Psychological Methodology Rigorous?
- Many Psychologists (Behaviourist, Cognitive, Social and Physiological) attempt to conduct research in controlled laboratory environments. They use objective methods that are free from bias. Their procedure is standardised.
- Psychological experimental research, like other scientific research, involves the manipulation of one variable (the independent variable) and the measure of another variable (the dependent variable) to establish cause and effect.
- Control groups are often used. These control groups are not exposed to the manipulation of the independent variable providing a comparison group and a higher level of control
- Many Psychologists would argue that the use of rigorous methodology is unsuitable for the study of the human mind.
- Some Psychologists use unscientific methods to conduct research. The use of more qualitativ,e methods such as the case study, can lack scientific rigour.
- Some Psychological research has been criticised for lacking validity and from being subject to experimenter bias.