The Concept of Evil
Rejecting miracles scientifically
- Many scientists argue that nature is a closed system with fixed casual laws
- If nature is created by God, is God directly responsible for earthquakes and other natural evils?
- If God prevented it, this would indicate the world was not made perfect
- If God could but did not intervene, we would question his goodness
Counter argument
- Ignores effects of human free will/sin
- Augustine’s Theodicy moral and natural evil is blamed on humans musing free will
- Indicates that God may choose to intervene at times but is not morally obliged to clear up our mess
In defence of a literal belief in miracles
- Christians seen miracles as a way of God revealing his power and miracles go against natural law
- God punishes the wicked and helps the righteous in the Bible
- Does this solve or add to the problem of evil?
- Evil, Christians contend, will be defeated by God on the return of Christ and goodness will triumph
- We are part of the plan and although it makes no sense now, it will in the future
- We ought not to question God’s purpose and workings
Counter argument
- This is neither verifiable or falsifiable
In defence of miracles as symbolic stories
- Rudolf Bultmann saw the stories in the NT as later additions to inspire us to be good/follow God
- Miracle accounts should be read symbolically
- They teach God’s power/Jesus’ nature
- So, God does not literally intervene in people’s lives in an arbitrary manner so eases the problem of evil question and the question of fairness
- BUT, is the lack of divine intervention because God cannot help OR because he chooses not to help?
Counter argument
- Wouldn’t the stories have more effect and impact if they were true?