Pricing Decisions
Price refers to how much consumers are charged for a product.
There are different strategies for different types of products:
- Price skimming (new products): Price is initially high due to type of product (usually electrical, luxury, innovative)
- Price penetration (new products) Price starts at a lower price to gain market share
Pricing strategies for existing products
- Price leader – dominant firms in the market are able to set the price for the rest of the market
- Price taker – these firms accept the price that the price leaders set
- Predator – predatory pricing is where businesses undercut competitors to drive them out of the market and gain market share
- Cost based – businesses work out how much products will cost to make, they then add a profit margin on to this to calculate price
- Contribution – Prices are calculated by looking at how much they contribute to variable costs
- Discriminatory – Where businesses can charge different prices to different consumers for the same product e.g. peak and off peak travel
- Loss leader – Businesses have products priced at a low level where they will make a profit, this encourages customers into the business where they will buy additional products
- Psychological – Where businesses use prices such as £9.99 as they seem to be cheaper.