Development GCSE Geography Quick Fire Quiz

Test your knowledge of Development with this Quick Fire Quiz.

This quiz consists of 10 questions. Click on the Answer button to reveal the answer.


What do the initials M.E.D.C. stand for?

More Economically Developed Country.

What is a ‘development indicator’?

A development indicator is a statistic which tells us about the standard of living in a country and therefore how developed it is.

What is the meaning of the indicator ‘infant mortality’?

Infant mortality is the number of children that die before their 5th birthday.

What does the ‘literacy rate’ tell us about the quality of education in a country?

It tells us what percentage of people are able to read and write.

LEDCs produce many of the worlds resources. Why do they benefit less from this than the MEDCs which use them to manufacture goods?

There is a lot of competition to produce resources such as timber, minerals and farm products which drives prices down. MEDCs are able to charge very high prices for manufactured goods such as furniture, electronics and cars.

What is the difference between ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ trade?

Visible trade involves the selling of goods whilst invisible trade involves services such as tourism and insurance.


What is ‘bilateral aid’?

Bilateral aid is aid given directly from one government to another.

What are N.G.O.s?

N.G.O.s are Non-Governmental Organisations such as Oxfam and Save The Children.

When is ‘relief aid’ given?

Relief aid is given in emergencies e.g. during a famine or after a cyclone strikes.

Why do many LEDCs get themselves into serious debt?

They borrow money for development projects but then have to pay the money back plus large amounts of interest.

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