Rocks GCSE Geography Quick Fire Quiz

Test your knowledge of Rocks with this Quick Fire Quiz.

This quiz consists of 10 questions. Click on the Answer button to reveal the answer.


Which type of rocks are formed from molten magma?

Igneous rocks

Where are intrusive igneous rocks formed?

They are formed within the earth’s crust.

What type of igneous landforms are formed by intrusive volcanic activity?

Batholiths, stocks, laccoliths, sills and dykes

If you examined rock samples of granite and basalt, what would be the main difference that you would note?

The basalt is fine grained, but the granite has large crystals visible to the naked eye.


What is magma called if it reaches the surface and cools to form rock?

Magma cools to form lava.

During the process of metamorphism, what causes the pre-existing rock to change its form?

The rock is changed by great heat and pressure deep within the earth’s crust.

What rock group do chalk, limestone, sandstone, clay and shale belong to?

They are all sedimentary rocks.

What mineral are chalk and limestone made from?

Calcium carbonate

What is a ‘karst’ landscape?

A karst landscape is one formed from limestone and has distinctive characteristics such as caves and potholes.

Why are many sedimentary rocks useful?

Sedimentary rocks provide us with building materials such as clay, sand and cement. Many limestone blocks are used as building materials for walls and houses. Sedimentary rocks often contain valuable deposits of oil and natural gas.

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