Case Study: Sustainable forestry

  • The government of Acre in the Amazon has established a nursery growing seedlings of species such as mahogany which they will issue to ranchers
  •  Legislation only allows owners to deforest 20% of their land Federal government programme called ProAmbiente which rewards small landowners for tree planting.
  • Sustainable forestry initiative (SFI) which encourages companies to grow timber in a sustainable way deforestation rates dropped by 25%
  • Forest licences only granted to companies that farm in a sustainable way
  • Sustainable development reserves in the Amazon (PCTS) has introduced certification for companies

Sustainable forestry using animal power

This video looks at a jungle forest in North-East India, the native people are trying to lessen the impact of the destruction of their habitat caused by heavy logging by harnessing the raw power of one of nature’s mightiest animals – the elephant. Using elephants to carry logs over hills and across rivers provides a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to the industrial logging machines.


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