Migration is the movement of people from one area to another within a country (internal migration) or from one country to another country (international migration).
There are several reasons for why people may want to migrate.
These can be classified into push and pull factors.
Push Factors
- Poverty
- Drought and famine
- Pressure on the land
- Few jobs
- Lack of services
- Remoteness in industry
Pull Factors
- Better paid jobs
- Better schools and hospitals
- Shops and entertainment
- Water supply, electricity
- Reliable food supplies
- Improved housing
Migration can either be voluntary or forced.
Definitions of Different Immigration.
- Rural to Urban -- The movement of people from the countryside to the towns and cities.
- International Migration -- When peoples cross state boundaries and stay in the host state for some minimum length of time.
- Forced Migration – This refers to the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region with violence.
- Voluntary Migration -- The unforced or free movement of large groups of people or individuals from their homelands to new areas.
- Seasonal Migration -- The periodic movement of a population from one region or climate to another in accordance with the yearly cycle
- Economic Migration – The movement from one region to another region for the purposes of seeking employment or improved financial position.
- Counterurbanisation Migration -- The movement of people out of cities, to the surrounding areas, probably rural.
- Temporary Migration -- The movement of foreign nationals for a restricted and limited period of time.
- Internal Migration -- The relocation and movement of population inside the boundaries of a nation-state.