Tourism and its Growth
Tourism - a stay away from home for over 24 hours for a recreational activity
Reasons why Tourism is Important
- Provides jobs for local people
- Increases income of other businesses that supply tourist industry
- In MEDC’s and LEDC’s although more important for LEDC’s - some countries it is main countries it is main contributor to GDP
UK Tourism
- Earns over £80 billion per year
- Popular because countryside, historic landmarks, churches, cathedrals, castles, and palaces
- Employs over 1 million people
Factors that influence no. of tourists
- Weather – bad weather discourages tourists
- World economy – if it is worse off, fewer overseas visitors more UK citizens
- Exchange rate – if pound is low- UK cheaper to visit so more overseas visitors
- Terrorism – people less willing to visit
- Major events – Olympics = more visitors
Reasons for growth / increase in Tourism:
- Better/Quicker Air Travel- Making Previously Remote areas accessible.
- More Paid Holidays- People tend to take many small holidays rather than one big one.
- Increase in amount of Disposable income- People can afford to treat them.
- Awareness of attractions- People are becoming more aware of travel from travel shows and advertising.
- 2 working parents
- Smaller families
- Longer life expectancy
- Cheaper/ Easier Travel
- Internet booking/advertising
- More unusual tourist destinations and attractions/destinations
Main Types Of Tourism:
- Cultural Tourism- Sightseeing, Exploring different Ethnic groups.
- Business Tourism- as air travel develops more people travel to offices and factories around the world.
- Geographical Tourism- Visiting great Geographical Spots e.g. Yellow Stone National Park, USA
- Visiting Family and Friends